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The Broquet fuel catalyst units comes in two forms - the In-Tank unit and the In-Line unit. The In-Tank unit consists of a metal gauze containing a pre-determined number of pellets, and the complete unit is inserted into the bottom of the fuel tank. The In-Line unit consists of a metal tube with the gauze and pellets fitted inside.  This unit is then fitted into the fuel supply line of a vehicle or boat.


Either method is as effective for all engines and the final choice rests with the customer. However, it is generally found that the In-Tank units are more cost-effective for smaller applications, such as motorcycles and cars, whereas the In-Line units are recommended for the larger engined applications; trucks, buses, larger generators, boats etc...    




A wide range of testing has been carried out in-house and independently on a variety of cars, trucks, boats and boilers.  The testing has included those carried out in the laboratory. However it is the testing carried out under real-world conditions that shows the full package of benefits of Broquet. In truth every customer who uses Broquet for the first time, is carrying out their own test, as their investment in the product must be proven to themselves.  Therefore the large volume of testimonial letters and referrals from our many, many thousands of customers is testament to the high level of satisfaction experienced by these customers We are pleased to provide a summary of formal testing carried out on Broquet on many different applications under many different conditions.


Independent Test Reports


  • Warren Spring Laboratory (UK Agency for the DTI and now part of AEA Technology) 

      Their Report confirmed the fuel saving and emission reduction benefits of Broquet.

  • Inspectorate Casella Environmental (International environmental monitoring company)  
      Confirmed reduced exhaust emissions on all five petrol and diesel vehicles tested.
  • Top Marques Sdn Bhd (Automotive testing facility)

      Confirmed improved fuel efficiency and combustion on a range of vehicles including; Ferrari, Porsche, Proton, Daimler and Mini.

  • Centennial College – Canada

      Confirmed fuel savings of 9.48% on a diesel truck.

  • Michael George Associates

      Boiler tests at a UK College show average fuel consumption reduced by 2.7% over a 12 week period, the college expect to save £4000.00 per year         on current fuel expenditure.

  • RUF Automobile – Singapore

      Confirmed increased road wheel power of 6.3% and a torque increase of 5.76%.

  • Province of Shaanxi and Municipalities of Xian and Xining – China

      Broquet now officially certified as an Environmental Product after local government tests.

  • Shanghai Diesel Engine Research Institute – China

      Confirmed that the installation of Broquet into a diesel engine gave a benefit in terms of fuel saving, of 10%

  • Bosch – Portugal

      The Hydrocarbons (THC) decreased at idle from 90ppm vol. to 29 and the carbon monoxide (CO) decreased by 50% in all of the volume gases. At         3000 rpm both emissions were below the level of measurement!

  • Mr. R. E. Smith (Consulting Engineer)

      Confirmed fuel saving and additional power benefits of Broquet on a variety of petrol and diesel vehicles. Also confirmed leaded to unleaded benefits       on a number of older vehicles including Rover Metro, Ford Granada and Fiat Croma.

  • Civil Service Motoring Association (Largest motoring association in Europe – 340,000 members)

      Successfully tested Broquet and reported many times in it’s own magazine (Motoring and Leisure) upon its success in converting leaded petrol-only       vehicles to unleaded petrol – original test vehicle – Hillman Hunter, has now covered over 220,000 miles.  Over 10,000 members are now using               Broquet with Reader Surveys confirming it’s success.

  • Caravan Life Magazine (Leading UK caravanning magazine)

      Long term testing of Broquet on a petrol Vauxhall Vectra, confirmed fuel saving benefits of Broquet of 10.65% and 8.47% when towing a caravan!

  • L’Auto Journal (Leading French motoring magazine)

      Confirmed the fuel saving benefits of Broquet on unleaded petrol. Broquet was fitted to a Mercedes 190, and came out on top when tested against         four other products.

  • RHT Mines (Malaysia)
      Confirmed in their independent tests, covering a 2 year period on 9 vehicles and plant, that fuel consumption reduced by 4%-8%, CO reduced by           12%-86%, SO2 reduced by 18%-89% and NO2 reduced by 15%-82% 
  • Others

      The product has been tested and reported on by many of our customers, magazines, newspapers and motoring specialists, who have confirmed the       benefits of Broquet, including Wheels Asia Magazine, The Spectator Magazine, Thames Water, Saab Owners Club, Capri Owners Club, Leeds             University, Hampshire Health Authority, American Auto Club UK, Landrover Owner International Magazine, BMW Motorcycle Owners Club, and             Motoring Magazine of Singapore.







The pellet that is the Broquet fuel treatment catalyst, is a

combination of different metals based upon the origial

formulation developed by Henry Broquet in 1941. It has however been

modified over the years in order to meet the increasing demands on

fuels and oils, by modern day engines, whilst still meeting the

requirements of older engines. The manufacturing process is not a

simple process, as it involves the blending together of the different

metals at precise times and temperatures. For this reason the

manufacturing process is subject to a strict quality assurance

program.  This is of course vitally important to ensure that each

Broquet pellet is to perform safely, reliably and consistently over its

long, active life.




  • Bangladesh :

     A simple on-the-road test (shown right) conducted for a                      customer in Bangladesh provides evidence of how quick

     and effective Broquet can be. 


     Results show that on a 125cc motorcycle an extra 80                        kilometers (or 12%) was achieved in only a 6 week period

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